Blue Badge applications, made simple
Sometimes, with so many errands to run, parking can be a bit of a challenge, when we’re also supporting someone with a disability or illness. To make things a little easier, the person we care for may be entitled to a Blue Badge.
Our Blue Badge checker allows you to check eligibility in just a few minutes.
What is a Blue Badge?

It may feel like we have to jump through hoops and face multiple obstacles just to get a Blue Badge. But if we've been lucky enough to have a smooth process, it can help us in a number of ways, especially if we're caring for someone with a disability or health condition.
Such as parking closer to their destination or accessing larger parking bays (making wheelchair access easier). In some situations, we can use it to request for a disabled parking bay outside our home. There are also exemptions from some tolls and parking fees - but always check!
It can help the person we care for (and us!) to get out more. As the Blue Badge is tied to the person rather than vehicle, we can use the Blue Badge with any car.
Am I eligible for a Blue Badge?
As well as physical disabilities, Blue Badge holders also include those with hidden disabilities.
Hidden disabilities (or non-visible disabilities) are disabilities that are not explicitly obvious to others. Such as dementia or chronic illnesses that impede our ability (and those around us) to travel safely.
They have one of the following:
The enhanced rate mobility component of Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
The higher mobility rate component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
Registered blind (severely sight impaired)
War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement, or
Armed Forces Independence Payment
In Scotland, the higher mobility rate component of the Child Disability Payment
What can I use as proof of address for a Blue Badge?
The specific proof of address required for us to get a Blue Badge may vary depending on our local council so it's best to check with them first. The proof of address will need to be dated within 12 months, with at least three months remaining on the award.
Some of the general proofs of address include:
A valid driver's license
Utilities or bills i.e. Council Tax Bill
A medical summary from the doctor or specialist that shows the name and address, and confirms the medical conditions
A repeat prescription that shows the name and address, and confirms the medication being taken
Use our simple checker tool to quickly find out whether you or the person you care for may be eligible for a Blue Badge. Ultimately, our local authority will be the ones to grants us a Blue Badge.
We do not share your data with third parties without your consent.
View our data privacy notice here.
Are Blue Badge holders exempt from road tax?
If the person we care for has a blue badge, they may be exempt from paying road tax. They must be receiving a qualifying benefit.
It’s important to know that the car must be registered in the disabled drivers name (or their nominated driver). Plus the car must be used only for the disabled person’s own personal needs.

We can find out more about how to apply for the road tax exemption here.
If we are caring for someone in Scotland, the same will also apply for them in Scotland.
Are Blue Badge holders exempt from Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ)?
Blue Badge holders are not exempt from paying the £12.50 daily charge for driving through an Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ). Being exempt from ULEZ really depends on whether the vehicle is ULEZ-compliant which we can check using this nifty tool.
If the person we care for doesn't have a ULEZ compliant vehicle, they will have to pay the daily charge for driving through a ULEZ zone (apart from on Christmas Day).
With more people considering electric vehicles (EV) in today's climate, AutoTrader also have a helpful guide to electric vehicles for those with accessibility requirements.
Blue Badge and Congestion Zone
On the bright side, if the person we care for has a Blue Badge, then we don't have to pay for the Congestion Charge. We can simply help them apply for a 100% discount off Congestion charge here.
Is Blue Badge parking free?
Blue Badge parking is often free, but some car parks do charge, so please always check when you arrive. On-street Blue Badge parking is typically free, unless there is a metre. Again, please do check local signs.
In parking bays where there is a parking fee, Blue Badge holders will also be expected to pay. But in the City of London, we are able to park for up to an extra hour for free after the expiry time.
If we would like to know what the specific Blue Badge requirements are in a particular area, simply pop the postcode in here and we’ll receive more parking information from that local authority.
Where can Blue Badge holders park?
Knowing where we can park with a Blue Badge before our journey can give us great peace of mind. Here, we break down where Blue Badge holders should avoid parking:
in a bus lane (including outside operating hours
parking bays reserved for specific users (i.e. doctors bay)
areas of loading restrictions (marked by yellow chevrons)
But, we can park on a single or double yellow line for three hours, exceptions are:
a dropped curb
loading bays
blocking a junction
Some parts of London such as Camden accept something known as a ‘Green Badge’ as opposed to a Blue Badge. This allows us to park in busy areas of London (in this case, Camden) at a discounted rate, or in some cases for free.
Always be sure to double check your destination, and see if they provide or accept Green Badges.
Will my Blue Badge be automatically renewed?
Unfortunately, Blue Badges are not automatically renewed.
The person we care for will have to renew their badge (or the parent/guardian if for a child) around 12 weeks (depending on our local council) before the current Blue Badge expires.
They will have to start a new application every three years - unless the badge has been lost or stolen.

How long does it take to get a Blue Badge?
It can take up to three months to process and approve an application, particularly if your local authority requests a further assessment. It’s helpful to know this, so we can allow plenty of time to apply for a renewal.
What to do if we disagree with an unsuccessful claim
If we disagree with the council's decision about our Blue Badge, we've got options. Let's start by asking for a review, especially if we can't walk more than 80 meters or struggle with parking meters.
We'll need to respond to their decision letter, explaining why we think they're wrong and providing any extra details or evidence we might have missed the first time. It's worth including things like doctor's letters or proof of address if that's an issue. If we've had our badge taken away for misuse, we can still explain if there were special circumstances.
If we're still not happy after the review, we can make a complaint to the council. And if that doesn't work out, we can always contact the Local Government Ombudsman as a last resort. Remember, it's okay to ask for help with this process if we need it.
Blue Badge Facts
You can apply for a Blue Badge on behalf of someone else
Over 2 million people are automatically entitled to a Blue Badge
Only your Local Council or can provide a Blue Badge
Our Blue Badge Checker
In under five minutes, our checker takes you through a few questions that will help us to tell you if you will automatically qualify for a Blue Badge.
We do not share your data with third parties without your consent.
View our data privacy notice here.
Hi, I'm Suzanne, Carers Coach here at Mobilise

Imagine the difference that a Blue Badge could make to the lives of you and your family. Making trips out easier and quicker, find a parking space that is near the shops, medical centre or pharmacy.
As a carer for my husband with Parkinson's getting a Blue Badge has meant we can do more as a family, have fun and access the services we need.
Not everyone that uses a Blue Badge is a wheelchair user. Recent changes mean that more hidden disabilities are also recognised when applying.
If there is something stopping you from getting a Blue Badge (pride, complicated forms, lack of time) I really hope this guide will help.
About Mobilise
We believe that carers should have clarity and access to the help they need - all the time. That’s why all our services are free and accessible to every carer. We work closely with local authorities and carers to make sure that you always have access to the help you need.