This week is National Inclusion Week! (28 September - 4 October 2020). It is a national, annual event hosted by Inclusive Employers to recognise, celebrate and promote inclusion.
This year, the theme is 'Each One, Reach One'. It focuses on individuals connecting and inspiring each other to make inclusion an ‘everyday reality’. Whilst Inclusive Employers focuses on Inclusion in the workplace, we wanted to explore what inclusion means to Carers.

And so, to celebrate National Inclusion Week at Mobilise, we explored the topic of inclusion in our virtual cuppa and reached out to our community of unpaid carers on social media to find out what inclusion means to them. Read what they said:
I feel included when I am valued as an individual

"I feel we can come as we are."
"...when people use my name instead of he/him or she/her."
"...when someone asks my opinion or listens to me."
"...when someone listens to my questions and provides advice, without judging or criticising."
"...when someone thinks about me and reaches out in some way to communicate that."
I feel included when I connect with others

"...I belong to a group."
"...people share their experiences with me."
"...I am genuinely asked to participate and that it is not just a tick box exercise."
"...can access to a group or event is easy."
"...we share a common interest or experience."
I feel included when I can be fully and equally involved in an activity or event

"...people reach out to me or make the first move."
"...people understand what is needed to keep me involved."
"...plans are arranged/re-arranged so that I can attend."
"...opportunities are available to me when I am ready to get involved or there are multiple options to choose from."
What helps you to feel included?

At Mobilise, ”we are in it together”. Be in it with us by joining our online community on social media. You can find us in the Mobilise Community Facebook group and on Twitter.
You can also join our community of Carers by subscribing to our weekly e-support package which can be found here.