With the cost of living and energy bills going up, everything can feel overwhelming. Our guide, written for unpaid carers and those we care for, includes the financial support we may be entitled to this winter.

Energy-saving information for carers this winter
1. Warm Home Discount Scheme
Opening in October 2024, this is a one-off payment of £150, automatically paid directly to our energy supplier to help with the cost of our energy bills between October 2024 and March 2025. We do not need to do anything.
Am I eligible for the Warm Home Discount?
To qualify this year we need to claim either
the Guarantee Credit portion of Pension Credit or,
a different 'qualifying benefit'.
Then the Government will make an assessment of our energy costs based on the property we live in. Most energy providers have a date by which we must have been a customer, to ensure we qualify. It's also worth checking if our energy provider is a member of the scheme.
How can I apply for the Warm Home Discount?
The discount will be automatically applied to our bill through our energy supplier.
If we’re on a low-income living in Scotland, we'll need to contact our energy supplier to see if we’re eligible and how to apply. To find out more, we can contact the Warm Home Discount's helpline on 0800 731 0214.
When will the Warm Home Discount be paid?
Some of us may have already received the discount automatically depending on our supplier. But for those who haven't, we will usually get a letter by early January 2025 so do pop a reminder or alarm to check back on it.
If we don't get a letter by then and think we might be eligible, contact the Warm Home Discount's helpline on 0800 731 0214 before February 2025.
2. Cold Weather Payments 2024/25
The Cold Weather Payment allows for a payment of £25 for each seven-day period of weather, which is either forecast to be or recorded as zero degrees celsius or below. This runs from 1st November 2024 to 31st March 2025.
Am I eligible for Cold Weather Payments?
We’ll usually get a Cold Weather Payment if we get Pension Credit. We may get a Cold Weather Payment if we’re getting one of the following:
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Universal Credit
Support for Mortgage Interest
Check full details of eligibility here.
How can I apply for Cold Weather Payments?
We do not need to apply. If we are eligible we’ll be paid automatically. The Cold Weather Payment scheme runs from the 1st of November 2024 to the 31st of March 2025. Check if we can get a payment in our area here.
When will the Cold Weather Payments be paid?
After each period of very cold weather in our area, we should get a payment within 14 working days. It’s paid into the same bank or building society account as our benefit payments.
Further Information
Read the full guidance on the government website here.
3. Winter Fuel Payments
Starting in winter 2024, we will see some important changes to the Winter Fuel Payment. It will only be available to households in England and Wales that receive Pension Credit or certain means-tested benefits, whereas previously it was available for all pensioners.
It might be helpful to check if we can get Pension Credit first if we're on a low income for some extra support. We must apply for Pension Credit by 21st December 2024 to qualify for the 2024 to 2025 Winter Fuel Payment.
Am I eligible for winter fuel payments?
To qualify we must:
have been born before 23rd of September 1958
live in England or Wales
and getting one of the following means-tested benefits:
Pension Credit
Universal Credit
income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
Income Support
Child Tax Credit
Working Tax Credit
We’ll also need to have been getting a benefit during the qualifying week of 16th to 22nd September 2024. Find out more here.
If the person we care for lives in a care home
If the person we care for is living in a care home for less than 13 weeks (including the week of 16th to 22nd September) and is receiving an eligible benefit, they may also be eligible for the Winter Fuel Payment.
How can I apply for Winter Fuel Payments?
We'll automatically receive the Winter Fuel Payment if we're eligible so there is no need to do anything.
If we have not received the Winter Fuel Payment but feel like we should, simply get in touch with the Winter Fuel Payment Centre on 0800 731 0160 (Monday to Friday 8am-5pm) or through their online form.
4. The Household Support Fund
Depending on our local council, we might be eligible for the Household Support Fund. This is for households with low incomes and can be in the form of grants or vouchers. We can find out more on how to apply (or if we need to) directly through our local council website.
Things the money can be spent on include; water, energy, food, and wider essentials such as paying for transport or fuel and housing costs.
5. Helpful services suggested by carers
Check out other services that carers have also found helpful through the winter months.
Scope - Disability Energy Support
Scope offers free energy and water advice to those of us caring for someone who is disabled. Supporting us through a wide range of topics such as:
Managing energy and water debt
Making sure we have a meter that works best for us
How to be more efficient with energy and water usage
Filing a complaint with our supplier
Accessing benefits or grants we might be eligible for
Understanding how our water and heating systems work
Support with registering for the priority services register
"I recently used this service for myself - but it could work for your family too as dementia is classed as a disability. They are really helpful - calls take up to a one hour on phone - you have to book with them. They can advise on the priority register and liaising with companies, I got a free heated blanket and £150 energy voucher towards a bill"
Priority Services Register for carers
Some energy providers may be able to offer us extra help and priority access to energy or gas solutions with something known as the Priority Services Register.
*Carers tip: Some carers have shared that this does not grant us priority in cases of natural emergencies such as storms. So it's worth enquiring with our energy supplier beforehand on what support there is in cases of emergencies.
Finally, we also have a discount for carers guide for more money off deals, including water and energy bills, places where we can go free, council tax reduction and more.
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