The theme for Carers' Week 2020 is 'Making Caring Visible'. For many of us, it's something we are passionate about, not just for us but for the whole invisible army of carers.
Carers' Week is a great opportunity for both paid carers and unpaid carers to make more noise and get noticed. Doing this by ourselves could be a big drain on precious energy and may not have the impact that we are hoping for. With the right connections however, it's possible to add our voices to others, to share our stories in a way that’s right for us and to help make caring visible.
Carers Week is a national campaign to raise awareness of caring. There are different ways to get involved. We can add our voice or make a pledge. The website also lists all the different activities that are planned for Carers' Week.
We Care Campaign is a volunteer led campaign run by unpaid carers. They are campaigning for a meaningful carers strategy that will give a better deal for unpaid carers. Carers can get involved in different ways throughout Carers' Week and all year round.
Carers Trust are a national charity and network of carers centres. There is an opportunity to sign up to their campaigns newsletter.
Carers UK are a national charity for carers. Their work includes campaigning for and with carers on a number of issues. Their annual state of caring report is one of the key sources of data about caring, carers can take part in their annual survey.
Join in on social media
Posting our stories, sharing posts from carers organisations and using hashtags helps to spread the message #CarersWeek2020 #MakingCaringVisible #Mobilise. We can also use these hashtags to find other posts and tweets about Carers' Week.
Join in with Mobilise
We are here all year round. As a community of carers, just by signing up to our e-support package, joining a Mobilise Cuppa or chatting in the Mobilise Community Facebook group we will be helping other carers (we try to make it as easy as possible).
Our way of working is to be constantly listening to carers. Inviting others to join us, particularly those that don’t think of themselves as a carer but they are helping to look after someone. This will help them to become visible to the person that really counts - themselves.
If you would like to share your story on our website and social media please contact Suzanne who will help you to make this happen.
Other national organisations making caring visible
Yucan - Creating an online space for young carers. Campaigning for young carers allowance
Dementia Carers Count - sponsoring a national Dementia carers award
Who else would you add to this list?
"It’s perfectly ok not to join in too."
The day to day pressures of caring can mean that we need to think carefully about where we put our energy and time. It’s perfectly ok not to join in too.