We all have our own thoughts about (and maybe even experiences of) vision boards. Perhaps we are rolling our eyes at the idea. Or thinking back to vision boards we've completed in the past. Or maybe just an "eh? What's that then?"
Some of us may think vision boards are a waste of time, frivolous, shallow or frankly a bit "woo woo"? (like I used to). Turns out we might have been doing it wrong.

Here's how we might have been getting it wrong:
Cutting out glamorous pictures of holidays, cars, houses, kitchens and other "things" that we want to have. A grown-up version of circling the toys in the Argos catalogue. Only there are no generous relatives to buy these things.
Turning our bucket list of things to do before the next big birthday into a picture. Bucket lists are a great idea but are mostly about "doing".
Creating a vision board that we then hide in a drawer and discover the following year when "decluttering".
Rushing to do it quickly with no reflection or discussion.
Procrastinating and overthinking it.
Creating something that will impress others on Instagram/Pinterest.
Agonising over our lack of creativity and how others are better at this than us and so not enjoying the experience.
The good news is creating a vision board can be a fun, helpful, and relaxing experience. It's a good way to guide us through our thoughts or make us step back and question what we really want. It's also a way of taking time out and thinking about you (the whole of you). As carers, this might be a rare thing and so it can be really valuable for us.
When did you last spend time thinking about you?
A vision board can be created on paper or card. Or it can be done online using an app like Canva (compatible with both Androids and iPhones). For some, it may just become a really strong vision in their imagination.
Here's what I created this time in 2020:

Often, the first thing we envision for ourselves, may not be the best thing for us. Sometimes we don't truly know what we want. Below are some ideas and questions to help us start thinking. It may be helpful to take some time to reflect on the things we are thankful for, what we want more of and then know how we can get more of what we want.
So how can we get it right?
1. Begin with the end in mind
The aim here is to create something that can inspire, focus or uplift us in the coming year.
2. Go for the big picture
Think beyond what we want to do and things we want to have. Who do we want to be? How do we want to feel? What matters to us? What do we want and what don't we want?
3. Spend some time reflecting, before we start our vision board
This can be through journaling, or capturing notes. We can do this on paper or if a great idea springs to mind, we can use the 'notes' in our phones to capture them.
4. Start collecting
These can be photos, quotes, words, drawings, colours, decorations, leaves, music, thoughts.
4. Try a guided visualisation
Guided visualisations can help create this vision in our head and connect it with how it feels. There are plenty on YouTube to pick!

5. Involve others
Join a group, create a group with friends or family. Or maybe doing this alone is more our style - choose what works for you.
and finally, do it.
Set time aside to create our vision board.
And really connect with our vision by putting it somewhere we will see it regularly. Perhaps we can also use it for some time out, focusing on different elements.
What's next?
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